24/7 Emergency Response Centre Onboarding Form

Begin your journey towards enhanced peace of mind and safety. Complete our simple onboarding form to access round-the-clock support from our dedicated 24/7 Emergency Response Centre, ensuring help is always just a button press away

Congratulations and welcome aboard! You've taken a significant step towards ensuring unparalleled safety and peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. Your onboarding form has been successfully submitted.

Here's what happens next:

  • Review Process: Our dedicated team will review your submitted information to tailor our services precisely to your needs.
  • Confirmation Email: You'll receive a confirmation email within the next 24 hours, detailing your subscription and next steps.
  • Personalised Setup: Based on the information provided, we'll customize your emergency response plan, ensuring that our response team knows exactly how to assist you in any situation.
  • Welcome Pack: Once the service is ready for use, we will be in touch with you to finalise the programming of your MedAlert watch for this premium service. At that point, also look out for a welcome pack in your email, which includes helpful tips on maximizing the benefits of our service, alongside direct contact information should you have any immediate questions.

What You Can Expect:

  • Immediate Support: Our 24/7 Emergency Response Centre is now at your service, ready to assist you anytime, day or night.
  • Peace of Mind: Rest easy knowing that professional help is always just a button press away.
  • Continuous Communication: We’ll keep you updated and informed with regular communications about our service and how to make the most of it.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us via email at info@medalert.io or call us directly at 02 8985 7378. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing us to enhance your safety and well-being. We look forward to serving you and being a part of your journey towards a more secure and worry-free life.

Warmest regards,

The MedAlert Team


The Order number for when you ordered your watch, If you ordered it through an NDIS or My Aged Care Provider, you could ask them for the order number