Registered NDIS Provider

MedAlert is proud to be a registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. This means we've met the stringent requirements set forth by the NDIS, assuring our commitment to deliver high-quality and reliable products to our customers. Our Personal Medical Alarm 4G device is approved under NDIS, making it more accessible and affordable for people living with disabilities.

"We do what we do because we believe in safeguarding the independence of our seniors while ensuring their safety and providing peace of mind to their caregivers."

Assurance of Quality

Being an NDIS registered provider signifies that MedAlert has met rigorous national standards of quality and safety.

NDIS Funded

Our product may be covered under the NDIS, making it a more affordable option for people with disabilities who need reliable personal safety devices.


NDIS registration is a symbol of trust, as it indicates that MedAlert operates under the guidelines and standards set by the Australian government.

Wider Accessibility

Our NDIS registration allows us to serve a broader community, including NDIS participants across Australia.

Improved Care

With the potential for NDIS funding, caregivers and family members can access our devices more easily, leading to better care and peace of mind.

Continued Compliance

As an NDIS registered provider, MedAlert undergoes regular audits and must adhere to ongoing regulations

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply for an NDIS rebate for a medical device like the MedAlert device?

A: You can apply for an NDIS rebate by submitting a purchase request to your NDIS plan manager or the NDIA, specifying the MedAlert Personal Medical Alarm 4G and providing any necessary supporting documentation such as a prescription or recommendation from a health professional.

Q: What criteria must I meet to qualify for an NDIS rebate for my MedAlert device?

A: To be eligible for an NDIS rebate, the device must be considered "reasonable and necessary" to support your disability needs. This could include improving your safety or ability to live independently.

Q: How much of the cost can be covered by the NDIS?

A: The NDIS can potentially cover the full cost of the device if it is deemed essential for your wellbeing and independence. However, the amount varies on a case-by-case basis depending on the specifics of your NDIS plan.

Q: Is the MedAlert Personal Medical Alarm 4G covered under the NDIS?

A: Yes, the MedAlert Personal Medical Alarm 4G is an approved device under the NDIS. However, approval for funding is contingent on individual needs and circumstances, as assessed by your NDIS planner.

Q: How long does it take to process an NDIS rebate claim for a medical device?

A: The processing time for NDIS rebate claims can vary. Generally, it takes several weeks for the NDIA or your plan manager to review the claim, but it may take longer during high-demand periods. It's best to contact the NDIA or your plan manager for a more precise timeline.